日本財団 図書館


the basic frame of track maintenance is secured. That is, by setting an effective work time of a total of 4 to 5 hrs. per day in the daytime and regularly performing inspection by a heavy track inspection car, the whole permanent way is schematically and continuously adjusted by a multiple tie tamper gang.


(b) Maintenance management


A permanent-way maintenance division manages sections of approx. 200 km and a wide range of information collection and inspection is executed by arranging permanent-way inspectors.


Various types of adjustment, repair and replacement of materials are managed in accordance with the above operations and executed in accordance with annual and monthly plans or as quick repair.


(2) Inspection and management


(a) Track inspection


Measurement is performed by a track inspection car twice a year and moreover, manual measurement is regularly performed twice a year. The track inspection car uses a large type of Plassar which is regarded as a train to perform traveling measurement through trunk lines.


(b) Permanent-way inspector


A permanent-way inspector not only inspects and manages tracks but also holds all matters including facilities, equipment, and land for permanent ways on his own area. According to these informations, he is widely and precisely engaged in permanent-way maintenance including planning and management of maintenance works, annual request for facilities, construction work management, and external conferences.


(3) Track work


(a) Track adjustment by multiple tie tamper






